My Training

I am currently doing a full body workout 3 times a week. I am making good progression. This again shows that you don't need to be a slave to gym 7 times a week to get results. Just go to the gym 2-3 times a week, give 100%, train right, progress, then go home.

Ok, so I am going to try updating my workouts a bit more now, as I am picking up the lifting. The back feels good after my injury, and deadlifts does no harm =).Each day is usually dedicated to one, or two main exercises. This is where most of my effort is put in, and I ALWAYS try to improve from week to week.
My training is now:
Day 1: Whole body workout, with focus on "squat-movements"
Day2: Whole body workout, with focus on weighted pull-ups and push presses
Day 3: Whole body workout, focus on deadlifts and core.
Extra day: Trying to put in a Crossfit circuit
Mornings: 3 times a week, 20-30min runs to pick up my stamina, only because I have agreed to do a "triathlon" with some guys at my work. As my swimming and running skills really sucks, I need to do some of it, even though it's sooo boring:)

Training log

19.04 - CrossFit WOD
On time:
1000m row
Then 3 rounds of
12 Burpees, 18 KettleBell swings 20kg & 25 Box jumps.
Time: 10:30

A1: Overhead squats 4x5 55kg
A2: No money drill 4x8
B: Speed Deadlifts 4x1 90kg
C1: Reversed lunges 3x6 85kg
C2: Rotation press 3x8 @ 7
D1: Ball pushups one leg 3x12
D2: Facepulls 3x12 @ 13 heavy

16.04 Day 3 phase 4
Came home from Sydney fitness expo yesterday! Filled up with a lot of sample supplements, my energy levels was through the roof! :D
A1: Speed box quats 7x1 75kg + 2x110kg
A2: Thoracic mobility
B1: Easy deadlifts 2x5 120kg
B2: Pec stretch
C1: Speed bench press 5x3 80kg
C2: Pull-ups 4x6 22,5 22,5 15 15
D1: Rollouts 3x8
D2: Tricep extension 15kg myo reps 15-4-3-3-3-3-2

Tried the weekly crossfit challenge. And it was inhuman!!
60 burpees jumping over a barbell (I died after 30)
30 Overhead squats with 55kg (Took a while)
10 Ring muscle ups (I'm sure I could have pushed out 10 with a little break :P )

13.04 - Day 2 phase 4
A: Bench press 8x1 107,5kg
B1: Chin-ups 4x3 40kg with 10sec hold on top
B2: Incline DB bench press 3x6 2x35kg
C1: Chest supp rows 4x8 52,5 52,5 52,5 50
C2: Side bridge with leg-raise 3x10
D1: 1-arm bulgarian split squat 3x8 35kg
D2: Shoulder rotations 3x10 5kg

11.04 - Day 1 phase 4
A1: Front Squats 8x1 100kg -easy
A2: No money drill 4x8
B1: Reverse barbell lunge 4x6 80kg
B2: Core press 3x8 nr 8
C1: Face pulls 3x12 nr 12
C2 Pushups ball 3x12
D1: Plank march 3x12

08.04 - Day 3 phase 4
A1: Speed squats to box 6x2 70kg
A2: Mobility drill
B1: Trap bar deadlifts 140kg 2x4
B2: Pec stretch
C1: Speed benk 5x3 85kg
C2: Pull-ups 4x6 20-20-20-15
D1: Roll-outs i ringer 3x6
D2: Wood chops 3x6

06.04 - Day 2 phase 4
A: Bench press 3x1 110kg + 1x4 07,5kg
B1: Pull-ups 4x3 40-41,25-41,25-40
B2: Incline bench 3x8 32,5kg
C1: Chest supported rows 4x8 50kg
C2: Turkish get ups 3x3 + side bridge and bridge marches
D1: One arm Bulgarian split squat 30kg 3x8
D2: Shoulder rotations 3x10 5kg
E: Hamstring stretch

04.04 - Day 1 phase 4
A1: Free front squats 4x1 95kg 1x4 90kg
A2: No money drill
B: Speed deadlifts 5x1 92,5kg
C1: Reversed lunges 3x6 75kg
C2: Core press 3x8 nr 7
D1: Face pulls 3x12 nr 11
D2: Pushups on ball 3x12

01.04 - Day 3 phase 4
A1: Box speed squats 8x2 65kg
A2: T-spine mobilization
B1:  Trap bar deadlifts 2x5 135kg
B2:  Pec minor stretch
C1: Speed benk 5x3 80kg
C2: Pull-ups (palms away) 4x6 15kg
D1: Woodchops
D2: Knee-knee stretch

31.03 - Crossfit session.
The new crossfit games workout is out, and feeling hungry to have a quick session, I went for it!
AMRAP 10min (as many rounds as possible)
9 Deadlifts 70kg
12 Pushups
9 24" Box jumps
15minutes: 12 rounds = DEAAAAAAAD! shit, that was hard.

30.03 - Day 2 phase 1
A: Barbell Bench Press 4x1 110kg + 1x4 95kg -easy
B1: Chin-ups 4x3 40-41,25-40-35x4
B2: Incline DB Bench 3x8 32,5kg
C1: Chest Rows 4x8 45kg
C2: Turkish Get Ups 3x3 15kg
D1: One arm DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8 27,5kg
D2: Shoulder rotations 3x12 4kg
E: Hamstring stretching

28.03 - Day 1 phase 1 (new phase, always exciting! :P)
The goals is to REALLY bring my chin-ups and deadlifts up more this phase. My 3RM now is probably about BW +45-47,5kg in the belt, and I haven't tested max reps.

A1: Front squats 4x1 110kg + 1x4 100kg -easy
A2: No money mobility drill 3x8
B: Speed deadlifts 60sec rest 5x1 90kg
C1: Core stability press 3x8 @ nr 7 -HARD
C1: Reverse Barbell Lunges 3x6 70kg -easy
D1: Explosive push-ups on med-ball 3x12
D2: Facepulls 3x12 @ nr 9
D3: 3x3 100% form pull-ups BW

27.03 - Stretching \ mobilty session
Was going to do a crossfit workout, but didn't have the energy at all!
A1: Hip thrusts with barbell 35kg 3x12
A2: Hip flexor stretch 3x30 sec\side
A3: Chin ups 10x5 BW
A4: Dips 4x10 BW

Stretching of pecs, adductors, hip flexors, glutes, etc. 

25.03 Day 3 phase 4 (Deload)
A1: Conventional deadlift 3x3 135kg
A2: Shoulder rotation
B1: Bulgarian split squats 2x8 25kg
B2: Pullovers 2x8 25kg
C1: Cuban press 3x12 15kg
C2: Nordic Hamstrings 2x6 slow eccentric
D1: TRX Rollouts 3x10


21.03 - Day 1 phase 4 (Deload)
A1: Overhead squats 3x6 50kg
A2: Clap pushups from bench 3x6
B1: Forward Lunges 3x6 70kg
B2: One- arm DB Row 3x8 40kg
C1: Incline DB press 2x8 35kt
C2: 1-leg RDL 2x8 27,5kg
D1: Cable woodchops 2x8 nr 8
D2: Side bridge 3x30sec

20.03 - Suicide session          
Intense urge to do some training again on a Sunday, so went over to the gym with Martin.
Martin pushed himself through the first circuit, being really hungover, this was pretty impressive. He disappeared after that tho, later finding out that he had to get some of the goon up from last night....             
On time: 17:40
100 chin ups
100 pushups
50 "up-side-down" shoulder presses

1->10 ascending Goblet squats 17,5kg, 10->1 descending inverted rows, 25 jumping jacks between
Tabata skipping: 20sec on\10sec off x 8 = 4minutes
This was HARD, but felt good after

18.03 - Day 3 phase 3  
Skipped breakfast before training today, but took 3 scoops of jacked and 20g of BCAA, felt like I was flying through the workout, A LOT of energy :P
A1: Conventional deadlifts 5x3 135kg -easy
A2: Shoulder external rotation 4x8
B1: Bulgarian split squat from 15cm front deficit 3x8 25kg
B2:  DB pullover 25kg (didn't have heavier) 3x10
C1: Glute ham raise 2x6 slow eccentrics
C2: Cuban press 3x15 12,5kg
D1: "roll outs" standing TRX straps 3x10 - felt good!

16.03 - Day 2 phase 3
Feeling extremly energic, and having minor panic attacks after testing out 3 scoops of "jacked" pre-workout drink (the recommend starting with 1 scoop, but whatever..:P) I started on my hangups feeling GREAT!
A1: Thick grip chin-ups 5x3 40kg (increase!)
A2: Bench Press 5x3 97,5kg
B1: One arm bench press 2x8 35kg - easier
B2: Seated rows 3x10 nr 15
C1: Stir the pot bridge 2x6
C2: Shoulder rotation 2x10 nr 3
C3: Plank 3x30 sec

14.03 - Day 1 phase 3
Had to swap the exercises around because I trained at another gym
A1: Overhead Squats 3x6 45kg
A2: Clap pushups from bench 3x6
B1: Forward lunges 5x6 65kg
B2: One-arm row 4x8 40kg
C1: Narrow grip benchpress 2x8 85kg
C2: One leg RDL 3x8 25kg
D1: Bar rollouts 2x8
D2: Wall side-plank 2x30sec

13.03 - Crossfit circuit
Felt like smashing ourself today, so brought Martin for a crossfight circuit
21-15-9 thrusters 30kg
5 Hangups
21-15-9 Burpees
2x32kg Farmers Walk (30-40m)
21-15-9 Wall med ball throws
Time = 11:35 = DEAAAD!!

11.03 - Day 3 phase 3
Trying to get back to lifting conventional deadlifts again, back felt good, going heavier next time!
A1: Conventional deadlift 7x3 120kg
A2: Shoulder external rotation 4x8
B1: Bulgarian split squats from deficit 3x8 27,5kg then 22,5kg, just to tired!
B2: DB pullovers 3x10 27,5kg
C1: Glute ham raise 2x6 slow eccentric
C2: Cuban presses 2x12 12,5kg
D1: Cable lifts 2x8 nr 7
Tired today, coming back stronger next week!

09.03 - Day 2 phase 3
A1: Chin ups BW +40kg 4x3 + BW +35kg 3x3
A2: One arm push press 7x3 35kg
B1: One arm DB bench press 3x7 35kg
B2: Neutral grip rows 14 +1 3x10
C1: "stir the pot" on ball 2x6 \ each direction
C2: Shoulder rotation Nr 2 2x12
D1: Facepulls nr 8 2x10
D2: Side bridge with leg-raise 2x8

07.03 - Day 1
A1: Overhead squats 3x6 50kg - need to work on my mobility, especially in upper back\shoulders
A2: One leg clap pushups from bench 3x6
B1:Forward barbell lunges 4x6 65kg - this hurts
B2: One arm DB row 4x8 40kg
C1: Incline DB bench press 2x8 32,5kg
C2 1-leg DB RDL 3x8 27,5kg
D1: Cable woodchops 3x8 number 7
D2: Wall side-bridge with leg abduction 3x20sec

Just some of the exercises in my program:

Trap bar deadlift 140kg (felt good to lift in a trap bar, although it was kinda new, and the technique there not 100%) 

Bulgarian split squat from deficit 27,5kg

Chin ups BW +35kg

Sumo-Deadlifts 125kg

Alternating Bench press 37,5kg

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