Sunday 20 March 2011

Get busy between the sets!

Martin doing ball throws between sets
Far too many people sit on their ass doing nothing between their sets, why not use the spare time for something more meaningful than reading the paper, looking in the mirror, or watching TV. What you should do between the sets depends on how your program is put together. For example,  if you are doing heavy load deadlifts, you shouldn't be doing anything with much effort between, but you could still put in some flexibility \ mobility drills to make use of the time. Usually, your heavy lifts are, and should be done in the beginning of the workout, so later in the workout when you are doing more assisting exercises, you can put some more effort in the exercises you do between sets. So, let me show you some examples:

 Full body workout example: 
A1: Heavy deadlifts 
A2: Scapular wallslides \ ankle mobilization \ Shoulder rehab \ Spine mobilization
B1: Bulgarian split squats
B2: Clap pushups \ Dumbell pullovers \ Inverted rows \ DB bench press
C1 :Chin ups
C2: Bridge \ Crunches \ Landmines \ Core work..
D1: Face pulls \ Shoulder rotation \ Band pull-apparts
D2: Stretching

Upper body workout example:
A1: Bench press
A2: Pull-ups
B1: Pushups from bench
B2: Seated Rows
C1: Zottman curls
C2: Reversed Flies
D1: Ab-wheel
D2: Chest stretch

A1, A2, etc means.. you do one set of A1, then straight over to one set of A2. Then you do a 2-3minute rest, and do it all over again for prescribed sets and reps. This way you always keep busy, but you do not hit the same muscle groups with the exercises, this way you can give 100% every set. This is different from traditional supersets in the way that people usually superset the same muscle group. Example: Bench press - Triceps . Doing it like that will exhaust your triceps, so you can't give 100% effort in the main lift, which is bench press. Give it a go, you will see great results, ,it will keep your heart rate up, AND you will be doing your workouts in shorter time.


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