Thursday 24 March 2011

Nutrition rules!

People say they are afraid of being changed in to something \ someone else. I think this is really stupid, because I really think that people never change.

Yes, we get older, more experienced, wiser, fatter, leaner, stronger, but our inner nature? I think it is always the same.

So, with all the nutrition “rules” out there, I think they are silly, because they try changing you, which is impossible.

Actually, when writing this, I just finished dinner, and I am now drinking my third Pepsi max, and finishing of a small snickers bar for dessert. I am not going to change this, because the Pepsi max and the piece of treat for dessert is something I really like to have. If I stay away from it for a week, which usually is impossible(!!), I end up in the peanut butter jar with a tablespoon, then a pack of snakes, finishing of with 2-3 chocolates. Any diet or “rule” that force me to quit this habit is going to mean problems, and end in failure. 

To change to a healthier lifestyle, and a way of eating, you need to understand yourself. If you don't, you can never respect yourself, and therefore you are easily influenced by others.. ending up jumping from diet to diet, fail to fail. By others, often meaning “experts” or “trainers” who are excellent in giving out “good” advice, but who actually never do what they tell others to do themselves. How trustworthy is that? 

If a friend keep telling you that this and this is the best thing to do, but he's not doing it himself, would you do it? I see this SO many times, ALWAYS. Personal trainers, or nutritional “experts” giving out advice which seems pretty logical, but they NEVER do it themselves, that's just not right is it?

So anyway, to be successful at weight loss and changing your body, you need to know WHO you are, and WHAT you like, and work around it, this way you need to be self-reliant. 

To start with, you have to recognize what you have to work with, and what works best for you. Also, you have to get your eyes up, and understand that if you actually want to improve, you have to do something. It does not help how much knowledge you have about nutrition, weight loss, and training, or how much you want to start doing what you need to do, or how many times you set yourself the “this is the day” it's going to happened, it doesn't matter, the only thing that counts is actually DOING IT. 

Also, you need to know the food you really can't do without. The “bad” habits that you have, that you don't want to give up! 

I am not willing to give up having some cold beers whenever I feel like it.
I am not willing to give up my huge spoon of peanut butter in my oats
I am not willing to give up eating a lot of sweets one day a week, and having small treats for desserts every now and then. 

So, I just have to work around this then..

I never tell clients what they can and can't eat. Off course, I give simple advice like choosing less calorie-dense food, or filling up on proteins and veggies before pasta,rice, & breads, but I don't make any rules.

What you are going to eat and not is up to you (what, I can eat what I want?!!?). Yes, you can actually  eat WHAT you want and still lose weight, but you can't eat how much you want. How good you are going to feel on a chocolate diet though, that is another question.. This allows you to work with your self-reliance. Rules try forcing you to change in a way you usually don't want to. 

So, wrapping up. Don't think that losing weight means changing yourself, rather try improving how you are, in a way that fits who you are..

Success is easier this way..


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